You know him. You love him. Our favorite Louisianian, bringing his dulcet tones and expertise to CrossFit Renew...introducing our newest member-turned-coach: André Trahan. Laissez les bons temps rouler.
Hey friends! I’m André, the latest addition to the Renew coaching staff. I was born and raised in Louisiana–a true Cajun. When I’m not at the gym I’m enjoying the outdoors, hanging with friends at a brewery, cracking jokes, or watching a movie. I’m a former collegiate swimmer, but CrossFit has been a part of my life since 2016. When I moved to Austin, Renew became my home, and I haven’t looked back since. I’ve made so many great friends and connections here. But hey, there’s more to me than the gym.
When I’m not working out and coaching, I’m making music! As a conductor and singer, I get to lead amazing musicians in creating art. Music has been the core of who I am since I can remember. I still have moments where I think, “wow, this is the coolest thing ever.” Oh, did I mention I play piano and organ too? Yeah, cool, I know. I bet you’re asking yourself, “Ok, but what does a conductor do?” I’m so glad you asked! Imagine if the WOD was a two-hour AMRAP of singing various things and I’m the coach telling you how to make it sound better with cues, demonstrating, and making sure everyone is doing things as a unit. Not the best metaphor, but you get the idea. Basically, I take what’s on the page–what the composer has written–and bring it to life through teamwork. Sounds a lot like coaching, right?
As a musician I get to do a lot of cool things, meet a lot of interesting people, and travel to far off places. While in school, I sang in the U.K., the Vatican, Leipzig, Venice (there was a storm and we walked through knee deep water), Austria, and the Czech Republic to name a few. Currently, I work for a professional choir named Conspirare (a few Grammy nominations and wins under its belt). I do everything from project management, production, to singing. My boss is Craig Hella Johnson, one of the nicest and most brilliant musicians you’ll ever meet. Here’s an arrangement of his that Conspirare performed: Dolly Parton’s Light of a Clear Blue Morning. Give it a listen with headphones on! If you ever want a ticket to a concert, let me know.
Why did I become a coach? CrossFit has propelled me in ways that I could never have imagined. It has helped with my confidence, athleticism, and overall health. I am a core believer that fitness is the key to longevity and mobility throughout life–an integral part of healthcare. My favorite part about being a coach is seeing the lightbulbs go off in athletes. I’ve struggled with certain movements (bar muscle-ups, hand stand walks, item redacted) and loved when I finally got it. I get so excited breaking down a skill into achievable concepts and I love being someone's guide that they can trust–much like teaching music. Overall, my goal is to help prevent injuries and illness before you have to go to the doctor. I am here to coach the whole person, mind and body. What’s my mission? As I get to know you, I want to be able to know how you’re feeling from the moment you walk into the gym and how to support you that day. So, come and say hi to me and let’s get better every day!
À bientôt!